Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The New Year

I dont have anything going on tonight and it is new years eve. That is pretty sad.
I mean i kinda dont want to have anything going on since nothing seems to interest me.
I had an invite to go out but i wasnt intersted in the place that they were going to. So i decided to stay home and i dont think im going to do anything now. Thats alright New Years eve to me is just kinda of over rated. I can walk over with my mom to a friends house at least for dinner and stuff. Donno about that i mean i wish i felt more like compelled to do something but i really dont. I could careless about doing anything in the first place. I feel tired and somewhat sick still fromt his cold that ive had the past week. O well Another year with nothing really exciting going on why is it that being 18 means we can do so little?

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Twilight A Rant

Alright I know i wrote another blog entitled Twilight but this one is different. I hate to say it but i'm sick of Twilight. I really am i mean it's a good story as in book the movie was ok disipointing at parts. It seems like they just made the movie for the money and that they should have waited in doing so. I bet that if they had waited and took some time to make this movie it would have been much better then what they had come out with now. The actors preformances were mediocer at best. They didnt really care it felt that they had these roles and they were just doing it for the money. I really wish they had chosen actors who would be interested in their characters and who could bring out the characters emotions better. Rob just sat there a lot of the time looking bored. I mean the girl who played Bella Kristen Stewart was alright she tried at least. I hope they dont change the 2nd book like i read in a magazine since I loved the 2nd book and i would be even more pissed off if they did. I didnt mind the kid who played Jacob it would be sad if he had to leave the movie. But the character is different in each book and i dont know if he could do that. I hope that they do kick rob off of the 2nd movie like what ive heard because he is a horrible edward in my opinion. I never thought of Edward looking or acting like that. But o well I guess my opinion doesnt matter since they just did it i assume for the money and not actually care if they made a good movie or not. At least they try with Harry Potter even if they do screw some things up. I feel that Harry Potter at least is enjoyable to watch. I knew it would be bad when MTV productions was doing no MTV movie is decent.

Monday, December 29, 2008


Mtv has really gone down the shitter. I feel that if they had continued with some of their orgininal programing like what they had in the 90s then it would still be cool. But now it's all about reality television. Its ok to watch Reality tv since i watch a few shows my self Top Chef, Project Runway. But i think the ones and the shows that are on MTV are just trash. I really wish they would actually play like Music television since isnt that what they promot them self as? I agree with Sean Penn when he said that VH1 and MTV have sold out. I mean seriously Shows like The Hills and i cant even think of their other one have really gone down the hill. Who even watches that?! I mean I'll admit ive watched Pimp my Ride a few times. But still honestly its not even cool. They need to have more music related shows like Biorythm or behind the music. Hell before Carson daily TRL was alright. Now everything is about slutty fucking girls and pimps and bad televsion.

Sunday, December 28, 2008


Ive finally decided on what my major will be. Yes it did take me a whole year at another school to realize that i didnt want to do animation like i thought. I want to major in film for sure i want to major in film. Ive wanted to direct for the longest time but i just didnt go through with it. Now i know that this is what i want to do. I have offically made up my mind on this and i need to just find schools that will specialize more in these fields. But i also want to have some academic schools to the mix. I dont want this one school to be my only option but it will probably be my best option considering what i want to do.

Saturday, December 27, 2008


Twilight. I'm sick of Twilight i like Twilight for the story and only the story. I dont think any of the characters are hot. I know that they are fake i dont understand what the big deal is about the books. Now i know that the story is good and that's why i like it. I just dont understand the big popularity around it. Twilight is cute ya i'll admit but its not suppost to be like OMG I <3 Edward. It's rather annoying logging onto facebook and seeing a lot of Twilight statuses people saying that their the best books ever. They are not the best books ever and not even cool enough to have the admiration that these girls are giving them. I think Harry Potter is cooler and deserves that Admiration. Twilight was cool before all this when it was just a little book that not a lot of people were reading and not because edward was hot or because Rob Pattinson is hot. I dont think Rob Pattinson should have even been Edward in the first place. He is completely wrong for the character. Also who cares if he cut his hair it is a personal descsion I cut my hair and no one cares. I'm sure thats how he felt. I just with that the hype would die down. The movie wasnt that bad but not great. If they had spent some more time on it instead of rushing it would have been a lot better. I feel that Twilight the movie was rather rushed in certin areas just because it is popular. Now they will be releasing one each year for the 3 other books that they have left. I hope that with New Moon or Eclipse and Breaking Dawn that they spend time working on it.


People have really started to piss me off for real. They have to get used to the fact that Barack Obama is our president and thats how it's going to be. I'm sick of seeing peoples facebook statuses that are anti-obama. One girl has their status as "way to go america you elected the next fucking hitler good fucking job" i wish they would shut the fuck up and stop believing all that bullshit. I mean seriously its just rumors almost like high school gossip but people still believe that bullshit. I mean youd think this person would be liberal since of all they do. But no their sore losers because McCain didnt win. If McCain had won things would be the same and this is time for a change so i really wish this person would stop being such a fucking dumbass and get used to it cause this is how it's going to be for four years of our lives. I'm proud to say that Obama is my president. Ive never been happier to have a president like him who is willing to take on change. So people like that can stfu!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Teen romance movies...

Teen Romance movies. Teen Romance Movies. Teen Romance Movies. Why wont they go away I said it 3 times but their still here. They have the same plot each time the girl isnt ready to have sex so the guy tends to go off somewhere. Something happens in the middle and the girl finds out but in the end the guy turns out to be in love with his girlfriend so he decides to wait. by the time he goes to tell her she breaks up with him. Then he has to do whatever he can to get her back. He does suceed in the end and they end up having sex. None of them are orginal or very funny i mean seriously i hate teenage movie's but i hate teenage romance movies more or the ones that label them selves as American Pie. I'll admit i laughed at the first three American Pie movies but then they got old and people still make the dvds for realse. Those are so sterotypical for teen movies. Why can't more teenagers be into better movies and these shouldnt be made anymore. Or I just shouldnt watch them since i feel like this everytime i do.