Friday, December 26, 2008

Teen romance movies...

Teen Romance movies. Teen Romance Movies. Teen Romance Movies. Why wont they go away I said it 3 times but their still here. They have the same plot each time the girl isnt ready to have sex so the guy tends to go off somewhere. Something happens in the middle and the girl finds out but in the end the guy turns out to be in love with his girlfriend so he decides to wait. by the time he goes to tell her she breaks up with him. Then he has to do whatever he can to get her back. He does suceed in the end and they end up having sex. None of them are orginal or very funny i mean seriously i hate teenage movie's but i hate teenage romance movies more or the ones that label them selves as American Pie. I'll admit i laughed at the first three American Pie movies but then they got old and people still make the dvds for realse. Those are so sterotypical for teen movies. Why can't more teenagers be into better movies and these shouldnt be made anymore. Or I just shouldnt watch them since i feel like this everytime i do.


  1. AMEN! I hate teeny bopper movies and I would rather pay ten bucks to see Clint as racist.

  2. Id rather see any Clint Eastwood movie over like idoonooo HSM3 I want to see his new one ^^
